Dimensions of role Responsibility for the management, planning and delivery of all technical operational delivery (Estates Servic.....
Dimensions of role Responsibility for the management, planning and delivery of all technical operational delivery (Estates Services) and the overall legal and statutory compliance of technical building services to the whole Trust estate. Budget manager and responsibility for the management of the hard FM annual revenue budget in excess of £2M. The role requires regular close liaison with a wide range of Trust teams and staff, at all levels, including Directors and Trust Executive on matters of building management, service delivery and space management. As part of the role, there is a requirement to produce and provide, often complex and contentious management information to all levels of the Trust and be the conduit to resolve issues, overcome barriers and achieve acceptance of technical property issues. The Technical Operations Manager will be required to deputise for their line manager as required. As a key member of the Property department and a leader within the Property Operations team, the post holder will ensure that the operational delivery of the estate and services is aligned with the property strategy, capital projects, asset management and transformational programmes that are being delivered and will work to add value to those schemes through hard FM services innovation and service matter expert challenge. The role requires both specialist practical and theoretical knowledge and skills and use these to develop service delivery for both inhouse and outsourced delivery team and to continually plan develop and deliver a more effective and innovative service delivery model in order to drive new ways of working in support of the property strategy. This role will necessitate an involvement with all of the Trusts circa 75 buildings across Surrey, whether owned or leased including community services, in-patient units, care homes, day centres and office facilities. Key Responsibilities Strategic: Responsible for active contribution to the maintenance strategy that is aligned to the Trusts property strategy including the co-ordination of a 5 year Forward Maintenance Plan (FMP) with the maintenance Contractors and Property team incorporating the preparation of associated annual and project-based budgets for the portfolio. Responsible for ensuring that technical subcontractor, contractor and partner relationships aligns with the Trusts strategic direction and take responsibility for addressing evolving clinical or financial needs and emerging issues that impact upon the delivery of facilities services. Produce management information against key targets of time, cost and quality and draw outcomes that develop service delivery and departmental objectives. Effective communication of the service levels to building users and providing clear leadership and direction. Ensure an integrated Property Operations approach to service delivery through co-ordination with other elements of the Property Operations team and other departments within the Trust. Maintain responsibility for trust wide technical and hard services policies that impact on all elements of trust delivery, in all Divisions. To represent the interests of the Trust at external forums across the health economy. Management Responsible to for the management of technical operational delivery (Estates Services) across the whole portfolio of buildings to meet statutory requirements and the quality requirements of the Trust, with an inhouse and outsourced delivery team the design and delivery of solutions that synergise with the overall Property Operations scope and vision. Management and monitoring of all legal and statutory building compliance for Technical services, to include, but not limited to: L8 Electricity at work LOLER Fire Management Means of escape, including emergency lighting F-Gas Gas Systems and Safety Pressure Systems Responsible for the management, monitoring and reporting of all compliance technical subcontractor, contractor and partner to ensure contractual performance. Development and management of compliance register and output dashboard. Production of management information to demonstrate compliance and performance of managed services. Ensure that all technical subcontractor, contractor and partner delivery and outputs meet the required NHS and Trust standards and deliver sustainable and reliability outputs that in turn offer innovation and where possible cost reductions on revenue costs. Responsible for ensuring that contractors and partners deliver compliance services to the right standard against the correct budget and timescales and manage all related risks and onward communication. Undertake active relationships with all parts of the Property Operations team to ensure full and deep understanding of scope of delivery and customers are engaged in scope of delivery. Undertake primary escalation for Property Operations, in relation to technical subcontractor, contractor and partner relationships and scope of delivery. Authorisation of reactive work orders up to a threshold of £10k where work exceeds the semi-comprehensive threshold or scope of service within a contract. To ensure that full scope of work and responsibility is delivered in a safe manner and can demonstrate a robust governance framework and compliance reporting. Managerial, technical and professional responsibility to deliver high quality and affordable compliance services to those using the Trusts portfolio in accordance with Government, NHS and Trust priorities and objectives. To participate in the Property department on-call rota. Responsibility for the asset management response to CQC and PLACE audit requirements and actions. Drive forward the development of the service, ways of working and innovation to ensure best in class service and best value for money for the trust. Be the departmental expertise for the CAFM and CAD software and impregnate knowledge throughout the department. To review the Property risk register to reflect the operating risks and that mitigating actions are undertaken. Financial Responsible for the budget for the full range of technical subcontractor, contractor and partner relationships services, including contracts and inhouse service and to ensure sound financial control for operational activities including contractual arrangements and overall budgetary management. Responsible for maintaining the life and value of Trust properties and assets across the full portfolio. Participate in the formation of service specifications for contract tendering to reflect the present or future requirements of the Trust. To develop business cases as required for service changes. Adhere to Standing Financial Instructions and ensure they are followed consistently both personally and throughout the department. Compliance To ensure statutory and NHS compliance of all buildings and facilities d deploying appropriate procedures to govern the inspection, undertaking of remedial actions and recording these on the asset register. Understand and lead on the implementation of general health, organizational and best practice policies to further develop compliance and service delivery. Responsible for ensuring that policies are up to date and embedded in practice. People management Ensure the line management and development of the full team. To recruit and retain technical services staff. To ensure that staff are suitably qualified and trained. To manage the proportion of substantive, agency and contract staff to deliver the services in a cost effective and compliant. To ensure that HR policies and management standards are adhered to for absence management, disciplinary issues and reporting. To deliver difficult and challenging conversations and management meetings, as required, to ensure management processes are adhered to. Contract management To support robust contract management of all strategic aspects including planning and strategic initiatives to achieve value for money, statutory compliance and clinical requirements. To support in the full compliance of outsourced contractors. To ensure all contractual documentation, reports, correspondence, invoicing, and performance issues are formally managed in accordance with the Contracts/SLAs. Customer management Manage the responsibility of regular meetings with customers and ensure that all items agreed or determined are completed to the appropriate standard. Consult with service users to ensure that service specifications and delivery continue to meet user requirements. Identifying new ways of delivering compliance that support the needs of customers and the delivery of the Trust.