Service Delivery & Development The post holder will work as a member of selected multi-disciplinary trust-wide clinical teams.....
Service Delivery & Development The post holder will work as a member of selected multi-disciplinary trust-wide clinical teams to provide highly specific, patient centred, evaluated information at the time and place of need. This will involve attending ward rounds, audit meetings, clinics and other multi-disciplinary meetings. Use an expert knowledge of searching online databases to perform mediated literature searches. Deliver training in information skills on a one-to-one or group basis. Provide the evidence for local guidelines and other evidence-based projects. Use critical appraisal skills to select and evaluate relevant information, and prepare evidence summaries or digests. Promote the development of critical appraisal skills in the Trust by supporting local journal clubs. Examine how the information provided is disseminated within departments and how the clinical team act upon the information. Attend conferences, workshops, seminars, and read widely to horizon scan and maintain knowledge of changing trends, technologies and developments in consumer health information, implementing staffing and procedure improvements as appropriate. Undertake regular audit of the service to review current working practices and the effectiveness of the service and to implement changes where appropriate. Monitor and contribute to local, regional and national health information developments. Information Technology Work with IM&T to use current technology to provide the evidence base in the clinical setting and make recommendations on developments in this area. Work with the Trusts IM&T department on the feasibility of integrating knowledge resources and information for patients with the electronic patient record using mobile technologies. Assist in the joint development of a database of information requests and responses. Contribute to national developments in the use of IT to disseminate search results. Planning & Organisation Promote evidence-based practice in the Trust. Contribute to the library services training programmes in the use of electronic databases, critical appraisal and evidence-based practice skills. In conjunction with clinicians proactively develop the role in a clinical, multi-disciplinary setting. Make recommendations on the future direction of the role. Work in close contact with colleagues involved in Clinical Librarianship, Clinical Governance, Clinical Effectiveness, Risk Management, Audit, and Information Services within the Trust and Clinical Librarians working in other Trusts. Prepare and deliver progress reports to feed into the Department of Clinical Education Annual Report. Make presentation on the service at local, regional and national meetings. Organise and co-ordinate conferences and study days, both nationally and locally, to promote the clinical librarian concept and share ideas with colleagues. Contribute to the development of national initiatives to promote the role of Clinical Librarians in NHS hospitals. Take part in internal and external research projects related to the concept of Clinical Librarianship and the impact of information on patient care. Customer Services The post holder will, in conjunction with the other members of the library management team, Contribute to the maintenance of an effective and efficient service to customers. Provide a unified service. Seek to develop services in their areas of responsibility best fitted to user needs, taking into account Trust, local, regional national developments.