General Requirements Ensure they and where appropriate their staff: adhere to trust policies and procedures at all times, comply.....
General Requirements Ensure they and where appropriate their staff: adhere to trust policies and procedures at all times, comply with trust standing orders, standing financial instructions, policies, procedures and guidelines, follow any policies and procedures in relation to infection, prevention and control are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children, and vulnerable adults, and the specific responsibilities placed on individuals who care for such clients/patients take all reasonable steps to manage and promote a safe and healthy working environment which is free from discrimination, comply with the trust policy on confidentiality, and the Data Protection Act 2018 as amended, relating to information held manually or on computerised systems, respect the confidentiality and privacy of clients and staff at all times, maintain a constant awareness of health, welfare and safety issues affecting colleagues, patients, visitors and themselves, reporting any accidents or fault in line with trust policy, fully participate in health and safety training, participate in personal training, development, appraisal, and attend all relevant training courses as required. comply with the professional body code of conduct This job description seeks to outline the key duties and responsibilities of the post; it is not a definitive document and does not form part of the main statement of Terms and Conditions. The job description will be reviewed during the annual appraisal process. The post holder may, with their agreement, which should not reasonably be withheld, be required to undertake other duties as required, which fall within the grading of this post, to meet the needs of this new and developing service. Individuals who are required to hold a professional registration in order to practice must continue to be a member of their professional body throughout the lifespan of this job description. Such individuals will be required to notify the Trust immediately if their professional body limits or changes the terms of their registration. This job description will be reviewed yearly as part of the annual individual appraisal, to ensure that it reflects the responsibilities of the post. No changes will be made without full consultation with the post holder.