Dear ApplicantThank you for your interest in the position of Pastoral Manager at Orchard School Bristol. This is a full-time post.....
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your interest in the position of Pastoral Manager at Orchard School Bristol. This is a full-time post (38.25 hrs), term time only + 10 days and we are looking for someone to join us in January, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Inclusion team at Orchard School Bristol are a highly professional team of dedicated and passionate practitioners, committed to providing the best pastoral support for all our students.
The role is busy and varied, and you will be responsible for your year group attendance, punctuality, uniform, safeguarding and liaising with parents/carers. You will support the Head of Year in picking up behaviour incidents, and resolve fall outs between children.
You are essentially one of the most important people for a year group of students and parents/carers. But you are not alone in the role. We have a fantastic pastoral team who provide professional support, including:
Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion
Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour & Safeguarding
Assistant Headteacher for Attendance & Belonging
Mental Health Manager, who line manages 3 other full time Mental Health Practitioners
A team of 5 Pastoral Managers and 5 Heads of Year
Attendance Administrator and Pastoral Administrator
As this is such a senior role, we welcome applicants for this role who are experienced in pastoral support in a school environment. We can provide strong CPLD, and opportunities to grow to become the best practitioner you can be. Pastoral Managers are line managed by their Head of Year, and all receive counselling supervision termly.
Orchard serves a richly diverse community in North Bristol. Our students are wonderful – they value the staff, knowing that you can make a real difference to their lives. The mission statement of the school, “inspire today, empower for life”, lies at the heart of all that the school does. As a school we are building our success on our core values, being Open-minded, Respectful, Creative & Curious, Healthy, Ambitious, Responsible and Determined. We place no limits on our aspirations for our students.
We are a friendly school, with a warm and welcoming staff body. We work together, we look after our staff wellbeing, and plan for sustainable, impactful development. Every member of staff is entitled to a coach and we develop all staff through regular, incremental coaching. Our most recent Ofsted report demonstrates we are a seriously good school, committed to becoming the outstanding school our community deserves.
We constantly strive to provide exceptional education through evidence-informed practice. We take the continuing professional development of staff very seriously, offering excellent CPLD. We are the Chartered College of Teaching Network for Bristol, and fund membership of the Chartered College for all our teaching staff so they can engage with research and contribute positively to CPLD within the school, across our multi academy trust, and beyond.
Please read our Staff Prospectus to find out more about us. If you have any questions relating to this role, please contact Emma Snell, PA to Headteacher. If what we are doing resonates with you, and you are keen to work with us, please do apply.
We particularly welcome applicants who speak one or more community languages, and applicants from currently under-represented groups including ethnicity, gender, transgender, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion. We are committed to taking steps to increase the diversity of our employees and removing any barriers to opportunities and success.
We warmly welcome your application.
Melanie Sweet, Headteacher