kitchen chef | part time
at wagamama, we’re an eating house for the soul. with over 160 uk restaurants and growing, our purpose is to nourish the world from bowl to soul. inspired by fast-paced, japanese ramen bars since 1992. a celebration of asian food brought wagamama to life
we’re looking for a chef to join our delivery kitchen on our continuous journey of true nourishment
the role |
as a chef at wagamama you'll play a key role in our kitchen, preparing and serving our fresh food to standard with care. working alongside a talented and diverse team not only will you gain key life skills at wagamama, you'll make great friends too, all whilst ensuring that our guests receive delicious food the wagamama way. so whether you’re looking to start a career as a chef or just looking for a wok inspired side hustle this could be the role for you
perks + quirks |
dry-cleaned chef whites provided every shift
50% discount at wagamama + 30% off all other trg brands with family and friends
pension scheme + 28 days holiday
dedicated training programme
internal progression opportunities | fully funded apprenticeship programmes to support your growth
kintsugi wellness | access to councillors, cycle to work scheme, discounted gym + leisure
family friendly policy | any expectant person or anyone adopting a child will receive 26 weeks full pay + 13 weeks half pay
financial wellbeing support | access to loans repaid through your salary for those ‘strapped for cash’ moments in life
what we look for |
we're looking for someone who shares our values and can embody the wagamama way through how you show up at work. you'll have an interest in food or cooking, and be a great team player who can work well in a fast-paced environment. you'll have good interpersonal skills and be able to multitask in a kitchen with no microwaves or heat lamps, everything we cook is fresh. you don’t need experience to join us as a chef, we'll provide all the training you need
the wagamama way |
kaizen, meaning ‘good change’, is the philosophy that sits at the core of who we are. it shapes every dish we create and pushes us to find better ways in all we do. our food, how we think, how we work, it has to be fresh. committed to championing change in both our communities + the impact on the planet
three whole decades of acting different, we don’t conform, we celebrate difference. appreciating personality over perfection. welcoming everyone and their unique story to our benches. we promise to have your back. working together to build close bonds of trust + support. creating safe spaces where we can have real conversations with open hearts + open minds
all we ask is for you to dish up what makes you different
be you, be wagamama
wagamama is proudly part of disability confident