To type a wide variety of documents using IT packages. Work can be done from manuscript,audio and dictation. Typical documents in.....
To type a wide variety of documents using IT packages. Work can be done from manuscript,audio and dictation. Typical documents include treatment summaries, treatment reports,case summaries, case conference reports, assessment reports, minutes of meetings, ward andhealthcare reports. To undertake cashiering duties as and when required. The post holder will deal with highly disturbing material on a daily basis, via audio, video,handwritten and typed text. The post holder will keep team diaries, as required. Receive a variety of telephone calls, using initiative to deal with matters where possible, takingmessages and re-directing calls as appropriate. To assist in the preparation of papers and agendas for meetings. Ensuring any standing items are included and liaising with other members of the meeting. Attend and transcribe theminutes. To receive and impart information of a serious criminal nature to those who have aprofessional right to know. To arrange all meetings, visits, assessments and appointments for team members, both internally and externally. To inform the Security Department of visitors to the secure site and make escortarrangements for the visitors.To ensure security procedures and processes are adhered to in relation to visitors to Service. To maintain and update the team filing systems, both paper and computerised. To ensuring that all patient notes are entered accurately in the relevant Patient and ClinicalInformation Systems. To provide secretarial cover for absent colleagues. To deal with queries, face to face and telephone contact, with service users and carers on aregular basis, arranging clinical appointments, etc. Service users and carers may from time totime be in a highly distressed state. To undertake general secretarial duties such as photocopying and dealing with enquiries. To assist in the facilitation of conference and training events. To assist team members in completion of Travel and Subsistence claims, as required. To undertake full deployment of secretarial duties as required. To update Service electronic databases, as required. For example, maintaining data accuracy,providing reports on the progress of referrals, waiting times, outcome reports. To assist in ensuring that security procedures and protocols are adhered to, bringing anypotential risks to the attention of the Administration Manager, Service Leads, Nursing andhealthcare colleagues or security department. To perform other duties of a similar kind appropriate to the grade, which may be required.