1. To take management and leadership responsibility for the operational delivery of services within the designated service area......
1. To take management and leadership responsibility for the operational delivery of services within the designated service area. 2. To manage the capacity of the service using established tools and techniques including entry and exit criteria, and highlight underlying issues to the Area Manager. 3. To manage the performance of the service in line with defined measures contained within the LOCALITY Balanced Scorecard and associated processes. This includes information management and timely and accurate data entry at team level. 4. To work closely with acute care colleagues to ensure seamless delivery of the pathway of services within the local area, addressing bottlenecks and working collaboratively to find solutions, which improve patient flow and experience. 5. To represent the Trust professionally and positively at all times, with staff, local partners, service users and carers. 6. To contribute to the development of a Service Strategy for Locality services at a local level in line with Locality objectives. 7. To contribute to the Integrated Business Plan for the Area and Locality as part of the Locality. 8. To contribute to the Area Integrated Governance structure and objectives and to establish clear and effective mechanisms to ensure ownership of governance at all levels throughout the Service area. 9. To deliver operational services in line with national, Trust and Locality strategic objectives and policies. 10. To liaise with service users, carers, staff and partners in both statutory and non-statutory fields, ensuring that there is shared understanding of service provision and commitments. 11. To be responsible for the delivery of Health and Safety responsibilities as required by statute, regulation, legal obligation and Trust policies within the service area. 12. To ensure full compliance of all staff within the service with key mechanisms to support the clinical delivery of service including the Integrated Care Programme Approach and/or Single Assessment Process, Records Management, Health and Social Care data entry, Incident reporting, Serious Untoward Incident Review and Complaints. 13. To implement and monitor effective processes for the line management of staff including: Agreeing and maintaining appropriate team/ward establishments, caseload management, controlling use of overtime, bank and agency and ensuring processes are undertaken for recruitment, induction, objective setting, appraisal, supervision, rostering, vacancy management, absence management, investigations and grievances. 14. To ensure staff compliance with Safeguarding processes to protect Users, Carers and Vulnerable Adults. 15. To ensure compliance with legal and statutory duties related to Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Police and Criminal Evidence Act. 16. To manage the allocated budget for the service area within Trust Standing Financial Instructions, delivering key financial planning actions at key stages of the cycle and delivering financial sustainability through achievement of financial balance. 17. To manage the performance of individuals and teams required to ensure the clear delivery of Trust, Divisional, Locality and service area objectives. 18. To implement strategies for Divisional/Locality workforce planning and staff development within the service area. 19. To contribute to the leadership of service area redesign promoting the development of practice in line with national policies and evidence base. 20. To ensure involvement of the team leaders in service area planning, delivery, choice, and governance including the maintenance of links with key groups/networks. 21. To ensure that services are planned and delivered with sensitivity to the diversity of the communities it serves. 22. To contribute towards the management of identified projects within the service area. 23. To undertake investigations of serious untoward incidents, complaints, disciplinaries and grievances. 24. To maintain effective communication with Staff, Unions, Service Users and Carers. 25. To ensure that meaningful staff involvement takes place within the service area in order that commitment and ownership are maximised and staff have the opportunity, where possible, to influence service provision. 26. To contribute to the maintenance of the Trust estate from which Locality services are delivered. Engaging with hotel services management structures to ensure, facilities management, building maintenance, transport, medical devices and waste management objectives at Area and Service area levels are achieved. 27. To contribute to the development of information packs, contingency plans, in and out of hours responses to unplanned events such as pandemic flu, winter challenges, estate disaster. 28. To contribute to the provision of an out of hours on call rota.