EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILTY Work with the Board, Chief Executive and Executive Team to develop and deliver upon strategy, business pl.....
EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILTY Work with the Board, Chief Executive and Executive Team to develop and deliver upon strategy, business plans and policies for the hospice which supports the provision of the highest standards of care for patients and their families/carers. Promote and support partnership working internally and externally to benefit patients, carers, staff and volunteers and the wider community To report on all clinical areas of responsibility to the Chief Executive and through agreed governance structures. In partnership with the executive team, plan and develop clinical services and roles, with increasing emphasis on national strategies and to fit in with the business plan and strategic direction of the Hospice. Collaborate with, other service providers and statutory and voluntary bodies to develop and coordinate a service approach to meet palliative care needs of local communities. Develop relationships with relevant external bodies, clinical leaders at other hospices and within regional/local palliative care teams To act as an Information Asset Owner (IAO) responsible for managing risks and maintaining the security and integrity of the information assets assigned to them and for providing assurance to the SIRO on the security and use of these assets. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In partnership with human resources team be responsible for the appointment, management, support, appraisal and development of directly managed staff. Ensure team leaders are compete and confident in recruitment for their respective departments and have the skills to effectively develop and performance manage their report staff. Working with operational managers ensure the effective delivery of services within the inpatient unit, day therapy, allied health professionals and out-patients services including the promotion of effectiveteamwork and coordination. With the operational managers ensure that staffing levels and skill mix are appropriate to meet service delivery. Provide leadership for professional staff and within Hospice policies ensure provision of systems for staff support, appraisal, development and clinical supervision, encouraging the highest possible standards of professional conduct and ensuring that current practice is evidence based. Encourage and develop effective communication, teamwork and relationships in the multi disciplinary setting to ensure the highest possible professional standards are delivered within all Hospice services. Collaborate with staff involved in the delivery of education and training and practice development and support them on all aspects of education, training, and quality. Develop relationships with relevant external educational institutions and bodies. 3. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Take part in the annual budget setting process by preparing and planning relevant budgets with the Finance Manager and the Chief Executive. Ensure clinical services are delivered within the agreed budgets for each department/team. To work closely with the finance manager/Chief Executive in the area of assessing business risk and continuity planning. Identify opportunities for requesting cross border funding and act as liaison between referring CCG in England and finance team. 4. PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP To represent the hospice at all times in a professional and consistent manner. To ensure the achievements and challenges of all clinical services are represented within the executive management team and are reported appropriately to management committees. Establish relationships with other service providers/hospices to benchmark services against both regional and national specialist palliative care providers. Ensure documentation of all clinical care is appropriate, accountable and defensible and that all clinicians understand their own professional requirements and accountability. To act as a positive role model - to promote team working, respect and excellence. CALDICOTT GUARDIAN To act as the Caldicott Guardian in safeguarding and governing the uses made of patient information within the organisation, as well as data flows to other partner organisations. The Guardian is responsible for the establishment of procedures governing access to, and the use of, person-identifiable patient information and, where appropriate, the transfer of that information to other bodies. In addition to the principles developed in the Caldicott Report, the Guardian must also take account of the codes of conduct provided by professional bodies, guidance on the protection and use of patient information, IM&IT security standards and the NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice. They will work closely with the Information Governance Lead / Data Protection Officer and, where appropriate the Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) and will be responsible for raising concerns about any inappropriate uses made of patient information. They will be required to undertake specialist training for this role. 5. CLINICAL GOVERNANCE Research and development Promote and encourage evidence based clinical practice Participate in discussions regarding proposed research activity at Nightingale House Hospice Take on the role of principle investigator as required for research studies undertaken at the hospice. Ensure service users are informed and aware of research studies relevant to their diagnosis, treatment and care and are supported to exercise choice in participation in identified studies. Staff education and development Ensure that an effective governance and risk management structure is maintained throughout clinical services and that all policies and procedures are relevant, understood by all staff and fully adhered to. Working with department leads to plan, design, implement, lead and evaluate programmes of education to meet identified needs for hospice staff and community based staff as a significant role responsibility Participate in the education of pre-and-post registered nurses and doctors and in development of the education programme where appropriate. Keep up to date with developments in specialist palliative care to ensure advanced clinical practice and education programmes represent current best practice. To support and promote the work of the education and practice development programme to ensure that practice development is central to clinical services. Service user engagement Ensure the views of service users are considered in all developments of clinical services as appropriate. Ensure clinical staff members are receptive to and encourage the views of service users and respond in a timely and appropriate manner. To ensure that all complaints or feedback for improvements are investigated and managed in a timely manner and fully resolved with appropriate training introduced when needed. Promote a variety of mechanisms in partnership with team and department leaders to gather the views and experiences of service users. Clinical effectiveness Be an active participant in clinical effectiveness discussions. In the absence of the committee chair provide leadership to the clinical effectiveness programme of activities and the group meetings. Provide a constructive challenge and critical friend approach to discussions regarding clinical care and interventions. Risk management Ensure all team members are aware of their responsibilities from the perspective of risk management and comply with relevant policies. Be responsible for identifying, reducing and managing risks in clinical practice. 6. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Participate in annual personal development reviews to identify individual needs for on-going education and development. Ensure own compliance with regard to mandatory training and revalidation requirements. Identify appropriate opportunities for continual academic professional development in line with organisational goals.