Responsibilities will include: Work towards the PCN having multi-professional educators/supervisors, including GPs, nurses, AHPs.....
Responsibilities will include: Work towards the PCN having multi-professional educators/supervisors, including GPs, nurses, AHPs & non-clinical staff. Work towards the whole PCN becoming a single accredited learning organisation, allowing education/training to become a PCN-wide coordinated activity. Establish/increase student/learner placements in all appropriateroles. Work towards establishing/increasing apprenticeships (focus on non-clinical roles). Work towards offering/increasing work experience placements. Support the management of continuing professional development (CPD) for all PCN staff. Coordinate & organise training & education programmes for GPs, nurses, AHPs & non-clinical staff. Conduct ongoing training needs analysis. Work with the educators/supervisors within the PCN to develop co-ordinated education & training across the PCN. To ensure new PCN colleagues have access to quality induction.