1 day ago
The employee independently plans, develops, organizes, administers, ev.....
- The employee independently plans, develops, organizes, administers, evaluates, and coordinates an extensive comprehensive acquisition quality assurance program over multiple shifts, designed to ensure that contractors meet their responsibilities for an effective Supply Services and Management of support services associated with common supply support.
- The employee develops, organizes, administers, evaluates, and coordinates a comprehensive Supply Service and Management quality assurance program for the installation, including tenant activities if appropriate, designed to ensure that contractors involved in the providing Supply Service and Management, operator's maintenance of Government Furnished Vehicles/Equipment and facilities meet their responsibilities for use and maintenance.
- The employee develops, organizes, administers, evaluates, monitors and coordinates a comprehensive Supply Services and Operations for the installation, including tenant activities if appropriate, designed to ensure that contractors involved in the receipt, storage and issuance of critical supplies adhere to quality plans and requirement to meet their responsibilities for timely supply support.
- Coordinates, verifies, and provides guidance on any supply related issues pertaining to the supply processes and/or procedures to support the installations and all of the tenant activities using our services if appropriate.
Starting at $60,597 Per Year (GS 9)
Official account of Jobstore.